Our Services
Promoting Sustainable Production Practices
Kokoo Pa Farmers Association works on value creation and addition in cocoa production through effective and efficient production practices in cognizance of socially responsible, economically viable and environmentally friendly practices .The aim is to promote sustainable production practices leading to increased productivity, good quality beans, good environmental stewardship, improved working conditions and social cohesion, additional livelihoods access to social services and also championing fair market prices for produce.
To ensure the production of sustainably certified cocoa, the association has adopted UTZ Certified cocoa standard as one of the tools to achieve sustainable cocoa production.
Kokoo Pa Farmers Association works on value creation and addition in cocoa production through effective and efficient production practices in cognizance of socially responsible, economically viable and environmentally friendly practices .The aim is to promote sustainable production practices leading to increased productivity, good quality beans, good environmental stewardship, improved working conditions and social cohesion, additional livelihoods access to social services and also championing fair market prices for produce.
To ensure the production of sustainably certified cocoa, the association has adopted UTZ Certified cocoa standard as one of the tools to achieve sustainable cocoa production.

Services for Farmers
Services Rendered to Farmers
Farmer capacity development on sustainable production practices such as good agricultural practices, good social practices and good environmental.
- Supporting farmers to get access to improved planting materials/seedlings, farm input supply such as fertilizers and crop protection products.
- Training of producers on gender empowerment and development
- Training of producers on additional source of livelihood support ventures such plantain production using plantain sucker multiplication technique and cassava production using improved cassava varieties, supply of shade trees to improve biodiversity conservation in cocoa.
- Promotion of institutional engagements.
- Improving farmer knowledge base on nutrition.
- Payment of premium as a reward to farmers for adopting sustainable production practices.
- Develop the capacity of producers on health and safety in cocoa production e.g. . The formation of Spray Service Providers (SSP) groups in all communities.
Farmer capacity development on sustainable production practices such as good agricultural practices, good social practices and good environmental.
- Supporting farmers to get access to improved planting materials/seedlings, farm input supply such as fertilizers and crop protection products.
- Training of producers on gender empowerment and development
- Training of producers on additional source of livelihood support ventures such plantain production using plantain sucker multiplication technique and cassava production using improved cassava varieties, supply of shade trees to improve biodiversity conservation in cocoa.
- Promotion of institutional engagements.
- Improving farmer knowledge base on nutrition.
- Payment of premium as a reward to farmers for adopting sustainable production practices.
- Develop the capacity of producers on health and safety in cocoa production e.g. . The formation of Spray Service Providers (SSP) groups in all communities.
Get In Touch
Don't hesitate to contact us
0322 050 045 | 0501 495 365-8
Mon-Fri 8:30am - 5:00pm