Who we work with
Our Trusted Partners
Kokoopa wo together with both local and international partners to deliver the best services to members of the association.
Kokoopa wo together with both local and international partners to deliver the best services to members of the association.

World Cocoa Foundation
WCF promotes a sustainable cocoa economy through economic and social development and environmental stewardship in cocoa-growing communities.
Forest and Farm Facility
The Forest and Farm Facility (FFF) is a partnership launched in September 2012 between UNFAO, IIED and IUCN, and AgriCord with the programme launched in Ghana in November, 2018. FFF seeks to strengthen and empower FFPOs, including women, youth and indigenous peoples as primary change agents for climate resilient landscapes and improved livelihood. With support from UNFAO the ‘Ghana Federation of Forest and Farm Producers’ (GhaFFaP) www.ghaffap.org has been formed across the forest, transition and savannah zones of Ghana.
Nyonkopa Buying Company Ltd
NYONKOPA BUYING COMPANY LTD Nyonkopa, a subsidiary of Barry Callebaut, is an authorized Licensed Buying Company in Ghana. It buys cocoa from farmers and sell them to the Cocoa Marketing Company of COCOBOD. Nyonkopa was founded in 2012 and has a strong buying network of about 600 purchasing clerks who buy cocoa from over 10,000 cocoa farmers.It is spread across Ghana’s main cocoa regions and has presence in Côte d’Ivoire and Tanzania as well.
UTZ and Rainforest
UTZ and Rainforest Alliance have recently merged in response to critical challenges facing humanity: deforestation, climate change, systemic poverty, and social inequity. UTZ mission is to create a world where sustainable farming is the norm and farmers, workers and their families fulfill their ambitions and contributes to safeguard the world’s resources, now and in the future.
Belgian Development Agency
BTC is the Belgian development agency. They support development projects across the globe to eradicate poverty. By doing so, they help build a world where women and men live under the rule of law, have equal access to quality public services and are free to pursue their aspirations.